Monday 9 June 2008

Stall Holders for the First Corsock Village Market

Stall 1: Wigwam Bakery - Artisan bread, cakes and vegetarian pies made with organic flour

Stall 2 & 3: Barmurie Farm - Free range eggs and chicken, pies and vegetables in season

Stall 4: Auchencairn Cheese - Smoked and unsmoked cheese

Stall 5: Sunnyside Farm - Gloucester Old Spot pork

Stall 6: Annie Kelly - Preserves

Stall 7: John Firth - Smoked fish and game

Stall 8: Taste of Galloway - Beef and Mutton

Thursday 5 June 2008

Dates of the Markets in 2008

Corsock Village Market will be in the village hall on the following dates:

14th June
12th July
9th August
13th September
11th October
8th November
13th december
(Remember to make your Christmas orders!)
All at 9.30am to 1.30pm

The first Corsock Village Market

The first Corsock Village Market is taking place:

Saturday 14th June 2008
9.30am - 1.30pm

Stalls to include a wide range of local produce including beef, lamb, game, pork, chicken, eggs, smoked fish and cheeses, bread, cake and preserves.

Light refreshments available

All welcome, make shopping a fun family experience

No entry fees!

Pringles Bar and Post office is next door to the hall, lunchtime bar meals available.